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  • The 7th Great Africa Cycling Safari (GACS)
  • The 7th Great Africa Cycling Safari (GACS)
Ministry of East African Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), and Regional Development

The Ministry at a GLance

The Ministry of East African Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), and Regional Development was established under Executive Order No. 1 of 2023 following the reorganization of the Government of Kenya. The establishment of the Ministry is in line with the Treaty for establishment of EAC and Directives of the EAC Heads of State Summit. The Ministry has two State Departments; East African Community and the ASALs & Regional Development.

The mandate of the Ministry, focuses on coordinating Kenya’s engagement in the EAC integration, Northern Corridor Development programmes as well as coordination of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and Regional Development. This involves working closely with the Ministries, Counties, Departments and Agencies (MCDAs); Private Sector; civil society; and engagement with Kenyan Citizenry, EAC Organs and Institutions and the other Partner States. 



A champion on Regional Integration and sustainable ASALs and basin-based development.


To deepen and widen East African Integration, coordinate ASALs and integrated basin based development for improved livelihoods.